After a sluggish start to season 13, Apex Legends keeps releasing new content. Today, the game revealed the Gaiden event, which will start on July 19. It also has an anime-inspired punch.

Yes, all of the cosmetics available during the Gaiden event are inspired by well-known anime. There are animes from all genres and eras featured in the event, including One Piece, Sailor Moon, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. If players don’t want to pay any money, the event also offers a number of free prize trackers from which they may unlock goodies by beating in-game tasks.

Following the pattern of the previous several thematic events, these cosmetics are accessible in the usual Apex Pack loot pool once the event is ended in addition to being unlocked using Event Packs or made with crafting metals.

Apex Commander for Bangalore, the second Prestige skin in the game, is also a part of the Gaiden event. Similar to the Bloodhound Prestige skin that came before it, Apex Commander includes three stages that players may advance through through using the skin while playing and completing tasks, as well as a finisher that is exclusive to the skin when it is leveled up.The finisher has a really interesting fire sword that erupts from Bangalore’s gauntlet, and Bangalore gets a facial mask for the first time in the fully leveled version of the skin.

Players will be pleased to discover that the event features a limited-time mode, with Armed and Dangerous returning to the game for the first time in several seasons, in addition to all the cosmetics on offer. The popular shotguns-and-snipers option, which lets players engage in combat at whatever range they want, will be accessible on all three of the maps that are presently in rotation in the Play Apex mode.

On July 19, jump into the Gaiden event and get animated. The occasion will last for two weeks and finish on August 2.