Call of Duty: Warzone 2 gives players a wide array of mission options. Factions provide an overwhelming number of contracts, as players complete these missions to earn rewards and increase their standing with their respective faction. Supply Runs are a new kind of contract implemented in Warzone 2 season three.

Supply Run contracts all have the same basic premise, requiring players to locate and open three different loot crates, making this almost the exact same mission as Scavenger in the first Warzone. If you are looking to complete a Supply Run contract in Warzone 2 DMZ but do not know what to do, here is everything that you need to know.

How to complete Supply Run contracts in Warzone 2 DMZ

Players can pick up Supply Run contracts for both currently available maps, Al Mazrah and Ashika Island. The mission for either map remains the same, as players simply need to loot three distinct loot crates across the map.

Players accept Supply Run contracts by going to designated areas on the map. The start point for a Supply Run is denoted on the tactical map by a green radio image, the exact position is randomized and will change based on your lobby and map choice. After players locate the start point, simply interact with the marked object to begin your Supply Run.

After accepting, the location of the first required crate will similarly be placed on your tac map. Open your map up to set a waypoint to get the best and most direct path to your objective. Once you find and loot the first crate, the second location will appear, and the third after that. After all three crates have been found and opened by the player, you will have completed the mission.

Supply Run missions have multiple tie-ins to other faction missions, most notably the Well Supplied Soldier mission for the Redacted faction. This difficult mission requires players to complete this process in under two minutes. Given that these loot crates can be fairly spaced out, the only way to complete this mission is to first secure a vehicle before setting out.