Most Legends fall in and out of the Apex Legends meta every update, but some struggle to ever rise into power, and that includes Crypto, who players now say needs a complete rework—including big buffs and quality-of-life changes.

Crypto arrived in Apex in 2019 and has basically stayed as one of the least-played Legends ever since. Right now, he’s got a lowly pick rate of 1.2 percent, according to Apex stats tracking site ApexStatus.

It’s not because he’s a bad character, Apex fans say. Instead, he just needs some significant flaws patched up; and players agree that’s going to take a full rework.

It’s not a unique sentiment either. Many players quickly agreed he could be a great Legend in the modern metagame, if Respawn just treats him right. Players came together and hashed out exactly what they want to see.

The suggestions for a Crypto rework include:

  • Being able to heal and enter drone view.
  • Accurate drone throwing.
  • Increase the consistencies with drone scanning.
  • Removing the glow around the drone as it’s supposed to be stealthy.
  • Drone recalls should be instant.
  • Being able to throw a drone while riding the zipline.

Perhaps the biggest bad news is that Crypto did actually get a rework back in Season 12, but those changes did very little to pick him up off the mat. He still remains one of the least-played Apex characters by quite a mile.

But, maybe, third time’s the charm for Respawn, and judging by how many came out of the woodwork with ideas, there are certainly fans waiting to play him again.