May 15, 2021
#Game News
Apex Legends update 1.68 patch notes: Bow and Spitfire will be nerfs
On May 12, the popular Apex Legends game developed by Respawn Entertainment found that Bocek Bow and Spitfire seemed too strong, so Respawn decided that
nerfs Bocek Bow:
Full range of shots fired from 70 to 60
– Increase Charge time from 0.54 to 0.56
Ade Deadeye’s Temp Charge raises time from 0.36 to 0.38
Each piece has 16 to 14 arrows, the shield in a bag contains 48 to 28 arrows.
Nerfs Spitfire:
Removes Damage per bullet from 19 to 18
Purple / Gold pistol, minus 55 to 50 bullets.