Apex Legends players eager to leave season 17 behind, your day has finally come. Season 18, Resurrection, is finally live today, complete with a reworked Revenant, a tweaked ranked system, a whole new Charge Rifle experience, and more.

Obviously, many eyes and player attention will be on Revenant with the new season launch as his rework is probably the best chance the character has ever had to get his pick rate out of the Apex basement where he’s resided for more than a year. The changes to his kit included a charged leap forward, a scan on low-health enemies, and a shield form that restores health and his tactical leap whenever he knocks enemies, so it’s safe to say he’ll be a pub-stomping favorite for many players.

But the changes to ranked are arguably just as important and impactful as the new Revenant. Season 17’s ranked changes resulted in a massive imbalance among the ranks, with hundreds of thousands of players filling the Master tier.

That was the last thing Respawn intended and the devs have made changes to this season’s ranked system to prevent the same thing from happening. If it works, it would be a huge boon to a game that almost all players felt was dry and a bit boring at multiple levels of play, with players in ranked hiding for better placements and high-tier players found devoid of worthy challengers thanks to the rank inflation.

The ranked changes aren’t the only way Respawn is trying to raise the game’s skill ceiling and floor this season either, with a new take on the Charge Rifle that rewards long-range projectile prowess over easy-to-use hitscan.

And finally, there are the customary battle pass rewards to go over, new Mixtape maps being added to Broken Moon, and a huge number of balance changes to different legends and weapons.

It’s a lot to take in, and it’s available for you right now. Apex’s 18th season is now available to play on all platforms.