Valve’s decision to implement weapon limits in CS2’s deathmatch mode has left players questioning the developers’ logic today, with gamers vying for a free-for-all experience that lets them choose whatever gun they desire.

Right now, Counter-Strike players can only use the guns that correspond with their teams. This means players hoping to train their AK-47 spray have to wait for space on T-side.

Players are begging Valve to change the deathmatch system so any gun can be used by any player at any time in the lobby. The current setup is particularly egregious, players said on Sept. 23, because community maps in CS:GO already give gamers this freedom; something Valve must consider too, they say.

Valve has essentially transferred its version of deathmatch from Global Offensive to CS2, but failed to bring across health and ammunition replenishment after successfully getting a kill as well as no spawn-invincibility. Some community servers also integrate a higher tick rate.

Gamers called Valve’s deathmatch servers “fundamentally wrong” and claimed being restricted to certain weapons makes no sense; so much so that some players are even claiming it’s a perfect example of Valve simply not caring.

Countless players used community servers over Valve’s deathmatch variety, and it seems if they return, people won’t touch CS2’s official servers again. This issue hasn’t just been contained in the deathmatch arena either—players have been flocking to FACEIT after spotting differences between Valve’s servers and alternate counterparts. If community servers return, we may see players avoid the official lobbies once more.

There’s still time for Valve to reconsider its deathmatch approach. With CS2’s release on the horizon, there’s always room for improvement. The devs have released multiple updates within the last few weeks, and it appears they’re committed to continuing on this path.

As rumors continue to circulate around CS2’s full release, we could be in store for more major changes soon—maybe once everyone finally gets access.