Fortnite: Wrecked has been out for over a month but the controversy hasn’t died down. Vehicles with mounted guns are still proving incredibly divisive, even being removed from Ranked modes, while many fans are calling on Epic Games to vault the Nitro Fists across all modes. It’s gotten so bad that one fan posted to the subreddit that they feel “super burnt out”, garnering over 1,800 upvotes.

“I just don’t like this season at all,” replied another fan. “Been playing consistently for two years but so unmotivated to play this season. I go weeks without playing now when I used to play daily. It started going real downhill for me with [the] Waterbending meta”.

Every match ending with cars and fists burns you out pretty quickly. The Magneto gloves have helped a little, but I’ve largely stopped [playing].

For some, it’s the other way around. Rather than the overpowered weapons ruining the fun, they add to it, and seeing Epic Games nerf these new items after the backlash is what’s burning them out. “The changes that side with sweat players […] really fortified my ‘burnt out’ness on the game,” one player wrote. “If they truly embraced the chaos, I would be playing so much”.

Fortnite Fans Want Faster Levelling

Another big complaint this season is the XP gains. Even with quests, many are finding it a chore to get to the higher levels and complete the battle pass. Some players have argued that you should “take a break” if it’s getting too much, but as one fan explained, “People will feel like they wasted their money if they don’t finish the pass.”

“The XP was nerfed, and you need to play all the modes and more to have the same thing as before XP wise,” claims another fan. “The modes are fine but I rarely want to play them, I want to play Fortnite […] Hope they dial back next season on the XP. And going into Chapter 6 I hope they go back to what made Fortnite nice and fun to play casually”.