Numerous reports regarding the next legend in Apex Legends Mobile were ultimately verified when a “store-bug” made it possible for players to purchase Crypto in exchange for syndicate golds. Nevertheless, the issue was quickly resolved thanks to an in-game notice that described the legend’s unintentional launch.

The recon legend ‘Crypto’ appeared in the game due to a bug

Due to Apex Legends Mobile’s growing popularity, players may now become excited about new legends and seasonal themes. This was the situation when reliable data miners such as “Leakers On Duty APEXM” and “ThatOneGamingBot” revealed Recon Legend Crypto will debut in season 2.5.

Coincidentally, Crypto was already made accessible in the in-game shop, and many Apex Legends Mobile users and content developers were made aware of the problem. Although the legend was accessible and could be purchased for 750 Syndicate Golds, users couldn’t use Crypto to play.

Later, the Apex Legends Mobile development team said that the legend has been taken out of the shop since his brief existence in the game was caused by an unforeseen store problem. Additionally, it was revealed that gamers who had previously bought the legend will be allowed to utilize him in the future.

The upcoming season 2.5 in Apex Legends Mobile is titled, Hyperbeats

A mid-season update for Season Distortion, which is presently active in the game, will come with several clues that it will be called Hyperbeats. Additionally, Crypto’s inclusion in the future season shows that the creators are likely to include a legend that is only available on mobile devices throughout the main seasons and a legend from the PC version every mid-season.

The most recent store-bug has also exposed Crpto’s advantages, skills, and finishing moves. There is little doubt that Crypto will be available for Apex Legends Mobile players to use in the forthcoming season.