If you’re like me and horrible at designing your own base in LEGO Fortnite, you might have fallen in love with the Rebel Outpost. However, there will be much to do to improve the Rebel Outpost, and the requirements—like making the Cantina Stage—will guide you through the process.

You’ll most likely first hear about the Cantina Stage when you reach Rebel Outpost level nine. Advancing to the next level will require you to complete a set of requirements. After you reach Rebel Outpost level nine, you’ll be able to make a Cantina Stage, but you’ll first need to find it in the user interface.

How to craft the Cantina Stage in LEGO Fortnite

To craft the Cantina Stage in LEGO Fortnite, you must first reach Rebel Outpost level nine. If you’ve already hit that achievement, you’ll just need to get your hands on some Plastoids. Here’s where you can find the Cantina Stage in the Build Menu:

  • Open the Build Menu.
  • Navigate to the Furniture tab and click on Recreation.
  • Choose the Cantina Stage and build it for eight Plastoids.

Once you place the Stage, you can perform on it and be one step closer to upgrading your Rebel Outpost to the next level. In addition to the Cantina Stage, you’ll also need to get your Village Comfort level to nine, which you can achieve by adding buildings and decorations to the village.

You don’t really need to rush through each level of the Rebel Outpost. You can take a detour and find Imperial Bases to take out Stormtroopers instead. Such adventures are the perfect way to test out the red and green Lightsaber colors, which are technically the same but look different.

While the Lightsabers always steal the show, my favorite weapon in the v29.40 update has been Chewie’s Bowcaster. After finding the Bowcaster for the first time, I fell in love with it because it’s a perfect crowd-control tool, which becomes quite useful while clearing out Empire Bunkers.