Olympus enthusiasts, rejoice. The map that seems to have drawn a cult-like following among Apex Legends players by the sheer amount of time it spends out of the map rotation is back again in season 18, while another map that’s dominated the battle royale lately is leaving the rotation following weeks of teasers.

Joining Olympus in season 18 will be Kings Canyon and the return of Broken Moon once more. To make room, World’s Edge takes a breather after its significant map changes in season 17, and Storm Point will also go away.

That last map might be the most conspicuous absence of the map rotation, considering the literal storm that’s been gathering at the edges of the tropical island map this season.

Screens in the Command Center had previously flashed warnings for a giant storm, and eventually, that storm became visible from POIs like Fish Farms and Shipfall: a huge, foreboding storm cell with tornadoes that seemed to spawn from a larger core.

While it feels like a giant storm is as good a chance as any to make significant changes, Apex players will have to wait for any eventual map update to Storm Point that could be in store for a mid-season event or even as a centerpiece for season 19.

Instead, players will have the relatively calm arenas of Psamathe and Solace in season 18. Broken Moon also remains, and fans of the Mixtape playlist will get extra treats with new Control, Team Deathmatch, and Gun Run maps on the map that was introduced in season 15.

None of the maps that will begin in the rotation in season 18 will see a significant map update for battle royale, as it appears Respawn is saving its next big rework for Storm Point.

The new rotation begins when the new season starts on Aug. 8 as Apex Resurrection releases complete with the reworked Revenant and more.