The iconic Japanese anime series One Punch Man has inspired the development of the official turn-based strategy mobile RPG One Punch Man – The Strongest, which is currently up for pre-registration in the US and EU. One Punch Man – The Strongest will also begin a limited beta test on August 18, 2022.

Experience the memorable moments from the original anime series

One Punch Man is the action-packed tale of Saitama, a man who became a hero for amusement. Ultimately, after three years of rigorous training, Saitama reaches his peak power. No matter how tough they are, he is so strong that he can destroy any opponent with a single punch.

One Punch Man – The Strongest is an excellent choice if you like One Punch Man or are seeking for a new mobile RPG. It’s a straightforward game that accurately recreates the plot of the anime and lets you relive memorable moments.

For One Punch Man fans, a production committee that includes SHUEISHA, who closely resembled the animation setup and established a boutique, oversaw the game’s whole creation. The Original Japanese Voiceover cast, which includes Makoto Furukawa, Kaito Ishikawa, Yuki Kaji, Aoi Yuki, and others, also provided the voiceovers for it.

One Punch Man – The Strongest will feature characters from the original manga

Saitama, the game’s strongest hero, will battle alongside RPG players as they take on disasters and villains straight from the source material. You must amass a variety of heroes and villains and put together several powerful teams. Using shrewd tactical thinking, a combination of special character traits and abilities, and, of course, Saitama’s support, you may win the battle and rescue the world in the game.

The Institute of Genetics, Association Arena, Unnatural Disaster, Extreme Training, Awakening Trial, multiplayer team play, PVE campaigns, and of course the Saitama combat mode and thrilling one punch kill in the swift completion of challenges are just a few of the game scenes and fight modes included in One Punch Man – The Strongest. On Android and iOS, fans in the US and EU may pre-register for the game.