Revenant has been one of the scariest characters in Apex Legends, and he’ll become even scarier when season 18 launches. The Synthetic Nightmare is getting a rework that will bring him more in line with his assassin background, as seen in a video in partnership with Apex content creator iiTzTimmy today.

The video shows Revenant’s new kit after his resurrection, with changes to all of his skills. His passive now lets him highlight enemies, while his tactical ability has turned into a pounce, and his ultimate provides some extra damage protection. This is in contrast to the old supernatural overtones in his kit, leaning instead towards sheer violence and aggression in his abilities.

Revenant’s new passive, Assassin’s Instinct, maintains the improved crouch and wall climb that’s been a part of his kit since his release in season four. It also grants him better horizontal movement when on walls, but that’s not the only new effect.

Assassin’s Instinct lets him “see nearby enemies that are low on health,” Apex game designer Evan Funnell said in the video, and if the simulacrum gets an enemy low on health himself, he will mark his victim for the rest of his team.

His tactical, Shadow Pounce, is perfect for chasing Revenant’s victims. Shadow Pounce allows him to unleash “a powerful leap forward that lets him close the gap between him and his prey,” according to Funnell. Holding it increases its travel distance. Players can use it in chases or to jump into a wall climb.

To round out his kit, Revenant gets some damage protection in the form of his new ultimate, Forged Shadows. This creates a “shroud of shadows around him that protects him from direct incoming damage,” according to Funnell—including bullets, melee attacks, and explosions, but not area-of-effect damage.

This seems to work as a base shield with 75HP, granting Revenant some extra protection as he’s chasing his victims. Visually, this appears as a circle around his torso, which also increases his hitbox (Destiny 2 players can imagine a Divinity bubble or an Heir Apparent shield, and the result will be quite close).

Revenant’s Forged Shadows recharge over time while the ultimate is active, with a base duration of around 25 seconds. Taking damage will stop the regeneration, but downing an enemy will restore his shadows and extend the duration of the ultimate. As a bonus, knocking an enemy down while his ultimate is active will also reset the cooldown on his Shadow Pounce.

Revenant’s new kit puts a stake through the heart of his old Silence and Death Totem. Instead, Respawn seems to be leaning more toward the archetype of the aggressive assassin, and the simulacrum’s new version has plenty of aggression to go around.

Players who don’t have Revenant can also try the legend for free during season 18, according to the official season page. The overhauled assassin will be available to all players during Resurrection, but Respawn is also pushing a set of challenges you can complete until the end of season. If you finish them all, you’ll unlock the Nightmare Simulacrum for good. If the reworked Revenant isn’t alluring, at least you’ll always have a way to know if an enemy is really one-shot or not.

Apex‘s season 18 kicks off on Aug. 8, with the new Revenant, a new ranked season, the arrival of Mixtape in Broken Moon, and more.