A while back Samsung announced that it was working on an XR (Extended Reality) device. Soon after that we got reports that the project was undergoing a complete change in design after poor Apple Vision Pro sales. It was said that instead of a headset Samsung wanted to make something similar to the Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses instead. Now it turns out that Samsung’s upcoming device will have a lot more in common with Meta’s product than previously thought.

The Samsung AR glasses will debut alongside the Galaxy S25 phones early next year according to reports. Samsung will show off how the glasses are supposed to work but reportedly won’t launch them until later in 2025. The platform these glasses will run on will allegedly be announced this month.

To everyone’s surprise the Ray-Ban smart glasses saw unprecedented success. So much so that Meta restructured Reality Labs (its XR division) to put more focus on similar wearables. This news was followed by reports that Apple was considering a rival product to the Ray-Ban glasses. Turns out it wasn’t the only company that saw the potential.


Renowned tipster Jukanlosreve reveals that the upcoming Samsung AR glasses won’t feature a display. A second or third generation of the glasses might — in 2026 — but this first iteration will be a direct rival to the Meta Ray-Ban glasses in function and form.
When the Ray-Ban glasses first came out they were very simplistic in functionality. But Meta brought its AI to the glasses soon after launch and that completely changed how they worked. Now they could converse with you and translate signs or give you directions and so much more.
Samsung’s glasses will very likely work the same way albeit with Galaxy AI instead of Meta AI. The lack of a display is quite disappointing but releasing these glasses now does make sense from a business perspective. Samsung wants to get its foot in the door before Meta eats up all of the market share for this line of products.

If this report is accurate then Meta is looking at releasing its own proper AR glasses around 2026 too. It only makes sense that Samsung would try to make a name for itself before that so it has a fighting chance when the technology matures.