Santorin revolves around TL’s win over FLY: “I’m like playing World of Warcraft with a PC”
After giving up the victory with TSM to kick off the League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split Week 4 of 2021, Team Liquid fought back and won the rematch from FlyQuest and Immortals. . Winning the first match against FLY was due to TL’s fine play – when FlyQuest scored First blood at 17:46 last minute of the 2021 season from start to finish. Team Liquid has already received 4,500 gold from macro play without shedding blood during the tournament.
Team Liquid will soon have to complete FlyQuest, and after the victory TL jungler Lucas “Santorin” Larsen told Inven Global about the form of play to beat his team. As for his thoughts on Team Liquid’s current form of play, it now relates to his record and how the LCS will change for the 2021 season, which will affect the game.