Snoop Dogg in Fortnite: Location, Boss Fight, and How to Hire Him
Snoop Dogg is one of the main figures of Fortnite Remix; not only is he the star of the new Fortnite Festival Season, and there’s a Snoop Dogg Skin available in the Item Shop, but he’s infiltrated the main game too. Players can find Snoop Dogg on the Fortnite Remix map as one of the NPCs.
Considering how laid back he seems in real life, you would probably expect the same of his Fortnite character, but no. If you go to find Snoop Dogg, you better be prepared to fight Snoop Dogg, as well as his guard doggs (which are guards in dog masks, not actual dogs). Thankfully, there’s some benefit to besting him in combat.
Where to find Snoop Dogg in Fortnite

Snoop Dogg can be found in The Doggpound, which is situated right in the middle of the map. Since he’s an NPC, he’ll be wandering around this area, so there’s no exact place to find him in every single match. However, in our experience, he’s typically found inside the building rather than outside, so it’s best to check in there.
That being said, the Doggpound being one of the most popular areas in this current season will make things a lot harder. If you go immediately, you’ll need to be ready for a fight, but if you go there later in the game, chances are Snoop Dogg will not be there.
Snoop Dogg Boss Fight in Fortnite and how to hire Snoop Dogg
Once you find Snoop Dogg in Fortnite, you’ll be thrust into a boss fight against him, as he’s a hostile NPC. Snoop has one bar of health and no shields. So he’s not the hardest to take down, but he has a few tricks.
First off, he’s surrounded by guards, so you’ll want to take them down ASAP or risk being blasted from ten different angles. Snoop Dogg’s skillset includes his DrumGun, which he often uses; Stink Bombs, which can shred your life bar if you’re not careful; and Boogie Bombs, which will immobilize you.
To defeat Snoop Dogg in Fortnite, we recommend bringing a few weapons to rapidly switch between and some Stink Bombs. Throwing a Stink Bomb at him will give you passive damage, allowing you to shoot at him. Since the Drum Gun takes a while to reload, it’s a great time to lay damage on him, too.
Once you defeat Snoop Dogg, he will automatically join you as a NPC companion. He has the same abilities as he did during the boss fight and tends to be a pretty useful NPC. He will also drop ammo and other important items like Boogie Bombs to help you out.
When you defeat Snoop Dogg, he also drops the Snoop’s Drum Gun Mythic and a vault key. This allows you to access The Doggpounds vault, which is filled with rare chests which are typically filled with fantastic weapons. So, if you can, we highly recommend going after Snoop Dogg in Fortnite.