A strange new Counter-Strike 2 bug has begun exposing every single player on the server today, with walls only becoming invisible for lucky CT gamers.

The glitch, discovered on Oct. 4, reveals every slice of Vertigo through most of the textures simply not loading in; players can see objects like fans, props, and the various traffic cones scattered around Vertigo, but everything else is gone.

i just entered a casual game and there is no fakin map
byu/mutlupide inGlobalOffensive

The most notable part of this strange glitch—which doesn’t seem exploitable yet—is that enemies appear totally visible.

The CS2 player impacted by the October glitch could run around the entire map without seeing a wall at all. While this might seem completely new for Counter-Strike, similar issues have presented themselves since its full release.

Recently, gamers noted maps colliding, where Anubis’ sandstone walls would appear inside Nuke’s cold and metallic A bombsite. This appears to be similar to what happened today. Players theorize the Ancient skybox was loaded in instead of Vertigo, a guess compounded by the fact Ancient is clearly sitting down at the very bottom of the map in the video.

Issues like this have been occurring multiple times for a large portion of the community. With CS2 only being available to the greater public for just over a week, odds are we’ll see more bugs like this appearing as time goes on.