I’m struggling to care about the Apple Vision Pro – and I haven’t known why. Developers I’ve spoken to say they adore the validation and new possibilities the Apple headset provides, tech pundits that have had zero interest in VR before have fallen head over heels in love with the gadget. And heck, even Meta and Qualcomm staff I’ve spoken to in the past couple of weeks are excited to see what Apple has up its sleeve.

At the same time, I care a lot about the Meta Quest 3; I’ve literally counted down the days until its release on October 10 when I can get my hands on one again (after trying it out for our hands on Meta Quest 3 review). Yet fundamentally the Quest 3 and Vision Pro aren’t all that different given their shared focus on mixed reality rather than virtual reality – with their efforts so far proving that MR isn’t as gimmicky as it felt even a year ago when the Meta Quest Pro launched.

And then it finally hit me, I worked out what the Apple Vision Pro is lacking, and what it desperately needs to learn from the Meta Quest 3. It needs to learn to show off its wild side.

Bland beige vs vivid virtual reality

If you sit down and watch Apple’s almost 10-minute-long Vision Pro introduction video (or the shorter roughly minute-long trailer), you’ll notice two things. Firstly the color palettes consist of mostly beige, white, black, and navy – the same boring set as the iPhone 15 Pro colors. Secondly, the headset is basically used for four things – work, meetings, watching TV, and recording spatial video. In a nutshell, the Apple headset looks boring.